Thank you so much for all that you have done for and with ADRIO during the two years that you were President.
I feel very lucky to have been an ADRIO staff under your leadership. You modeled trust, valour and critical thinking. You led with intelligence, class and a down-to-earth personality.
I learned a lot from working with you.
I believe that ADRIO is now re-energized and ready to thrive from both a financial and work-culture perspective; that is your legacy.
With gratitude,
Tommy Lam, Professional Development and Events
ADR Institute of Ontario
Dear Fred and Marvin,
I wanted to thank you both for your outstanding efforts and enthusiastic participation in the Limmud presentation of Esau v. Jacob: A Courtroom Drama. I enclose a few photographs taken by the photographer. Photos are also posted on the Limmud Toronto facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/LimmudToronto/ You both responded with enthusiasm and commitment to the proposal to take part, understanding the value and potential in this project. And based on the feedback from participants, and my own impression, that potential was realized. The cases were well argued, the setting was spot on, the robes added dramatic flair, the audience engagement was high (including the uninvited participation from counsel for Rifka (my brother from Jerusalem, Ilan Rubin)), and the close vote and outcome added more drama. So thank you so much for stepping up and stepping into this project, which was one of the highlights of Limmud Toronto 2018.
Benjamin Rubin, Barrister & Solicitor
Festival Chair, Limmud Toronto 2018
Arbitrator Marvin Huberman's decision in Taylor v. Pembridge (FSCO A12-004866), a top accident benefit decision of 2014, "should be on the mandatory review list before preparing for a catastrophic impairment arbitration. It speaks to the importance of knowing what the Guides say in terms of how to assess the range of impairment. It is equally important in reminding us that the Guides also outline what documents one should look at, how to look at them and how to ensure that objective criteria are provided in analyzing and choosing within the ranges"
Philippa G. Samworth, Dutton Brock LLP
In Taylor and Pembridge Insurance Company of Canada, (FSCO A12-004886, June 11, 2014), at page 20, Arbitrator Huberman, however, stated that "Adjudicators decide cases, experts do not." With that statement I fully agree.
Director's Delegate Blackman, in Grewal v. AIG Commercial Insurance Company of Canada, Office of the Director of Arbitrations, Appeal P14- 00032
...I note that the defendants′ counsel [Marvin J. Huberman] was, in the conduct of this trial, the model for counsel at trial against a self-represented party. I commend counsel for his professionalism.
The Honourable Justice W. Matheson,
Ontario Superior Court of Justice
Thank you so much for your sterling efforts on our behalf. Your candid and caring counsel are appreciated more than perhaps we have had occasion to express. If you ever need a reference, we're there!"
Paul & Dana
...Thanks for everything. It was a real pleasure working with you. Nice to have someone in my corner - and I couldn't have asked for more knowledgeable or talented counsel...
Doug Thiel, Professional Engineer
Finding a Good Lawyer is like finding the Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow, or in a box of chocolates. I have been to the yellow pages, done interviews, taken referrals, checked the internet, called the local bar association ... [it] can still be elusive to those seeking someone they can relate to at a price they can afford.
My experience with Mr. Huberman is that he is an agent that empowers his clients, and a lawyer that will work with you and for you to give a voice and a fair presentation of facts.
It is rare but possible to find a Good Lawyer ... consider Marvin Huberman as the man [who] will meet and exceed your expectations.
Gail Acton, NACC/PSWs
I wanted to extend thanks to Marvin ... for doing such a good job with our case and opponents given that their stance was essentially one of non co-operation ... Very much enjoyed Marvin′s style and creative analysis that opened things up enough to come to a resolution.
Scott O. Kanmacher, President,
Transzach Logistics Inc. www.transzach.com
I am more than satisfied with the way in which you handled our account and ultimately, of course, with the final outcome. I would not hesitate for one second in recommending you to others in similar situations, or contacting you again should the need arise with us (hopefully not!!).
I will be keeping all of your information on file here as I do now consider you to be legal counsel for Holliston′s Inc.
Scott Morling, President,
Holliston's Inc. www.hollistons.com
Marv, what can I say, you do good work.
Steve Zinck, President,
All Canadian Courier www.allcanadian.com
Commercial Arbitration Law Firm Of The Year